What Causes High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure or hypertension can be caused by an unusually high salt balance in the body. The kidneys regulate the body’s salt balance by eliminating fluids and sodium and excreting potassium. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, blood volume can expand, resulting in high blood pressure. Smoking, obesity, heredity, alcohol abuse, medication, and stress can all affect blood pressure as well.


Effect on Kidneys


High blood pressure can cause arteries in the body to become weak or narrow. When this happens, the arteries surrounding the kidneys can be affected. Narrow or weakened arteries are incapable of supplying enough blood to the kidneys.This can lead to kidney damage over the long haul because it renders this organ incapable of filtering blood properly.

High Blood Pressure Treatment


Lifestyle changes are recommended for anyone with high blood pressure. Your doctor may ask you to lose weight, stop smoking, and begin an exercise program. You could need to make modifications to your diet such as eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer fatty foods. Proper assessment and prescribing appropriate medications requires skill and experience. Nephrologists are hypertension experts and have the training and skill to guide therapy.


Preventing High Blood Pressure


Diet and exercise are crucial in preventing the onset of hypertension. In addition, dietary changes are equally important. Maintaining low sodium diet and reduction of fatty foods can also slow or prevent onset. Blood pressure often increases with age despite lifestyle changes and therefore requires regular measurement to detect abnormal elevation.